a two-session,

Get to the root of an issue
and come away with clarity, expansion
and an arsenal of tools for next steps

Maura P., Chicago

"This has been an absolutely amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to have it. I feel so much more free, it's such a game changer. It’s. Been. Glorious."

This healing container is aligned for you if:

  • You have an issue that has been hard for you to move through, and you want help seeing what’s at its root and tools to continue to help you heal.

  • You want to stop taking on other people’s stuff and feel more confident in your own path and decisions.

  • You have a loud inner critic

  • You want more support, follow up and clarity with an issue than a one time session can give you. Maybe you know you don’t feel a need for my mentorship, Awakening, for 3 months, or want to see if this amount of time will be what you need to address your concern.

  • You are ready to look at what might be in the shadow, what you may have been trying to avoid or reject within yourself.

  • You want more connection to your self-compassion and your guides and inner support system.

  • You have a desire to learn more tools to address your triggers.

Melinda T, New Hampshire

"I wanted thank you for the work we did together. The way you are able to zero in on what’s of most priority really amazes me and I really appreciate that because I was going in all directions! It was so helpful to know what was at the core of my fears, so thank you again!"

About the Sessions:

Session 1: Uncovering the Root Cause (1 hour)

In this session, we will look at a pattern or problem you are having and see what is underneath it. I will help you get to the core of what is happening so that you can work on healing it at its root. This will include a healing and reading to see what energetic patterns and potentially past lives might play into this.

Customized Homework

Within 24 hours, you will receive personalized "homework" to support your healing journey over the next two weeks. This may include meditations, journal prompts, affirmations, altar work, and/or energy healing tools tailored to your needs.

Voice Support

You will have 1 week of WhatsApp or Voxer support with at least two conversations a day (or less if you don’t want that) to process what came up the week after your session. You can use this to ask questions, voice your celebrations or get any support you need.

Session 2: Energetic Closure (30 minutes)

After two weeks, we will have a follow-up session to bring energetic closure to the work you have done. We will update energetic contracts to bring your healing into present time, and clear out any past lives, beliefs or energy that no longer serve you.

Post-Session Support

After the second session, you will receive an energetic anchor, such as an affirmation or tool, to easily help ground you in your new mindset.

You have the option to have both sessions recorded.

The investment is $600. Payment plans available.

Nobody is broken.

When we feel lost, or come up against triggers that feel difficult to move through, it simply means we haven’t found the tools that work best for us yet, or we aren’t sure how to implement them.

A trigger is an invitation to hear a need of an inner child part.

Sometimes we have inner child parts that feel it’s safer to hide us from our wounds, than to see them and heal them directly. Sometimes they do that through criticism or procrastination.

But whatever it is that you are coming up against, you can move through it.

I help you by providing:

  • Energy healing that clears out energetic patterns, past lives and contracts that you are ready to release and update.

  • Seeing your inner child’s needs and helping you to connect to them

  • Giving you hypnosis and reprogramming meditations to create new neural pathways and let your inner child get an update from your present time information.

  • Giving you energy healing and inner child healing tools for you to implement in your life right away.

  • Holding space for you compassionately

I feel like I have been benefiting almost every day since the initial meeting in small and big ways.
Thank you, so much for your wisdom and sharing it. I have already benefited a lot .
— Miriam K., Long Beach, CA

I love helping people get to the core of their issues and helping them heal.

Schedule a call and see if Pattern Shifting feels like a good fit for you!

The investment is $600