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You were born connected to your intution.

You were born with an awareness of your subtle energy body that contains the wisdom of who you are
beyond the mind.

You were able to read your energy, read and sense other people’s energy and hear the messages of your body and spirit before you learned how to walk or talk.

If you have forgotten how to know yourself in that way,
if you get confused between your energy and other people’s or social/familial programming,
you deserve to come back into that knowing,
that connection to experiencing the energy signature of who you really are.

You deserve:

A Spell of Remembering

What if you knew how to connect to your energy?

What if you didn’t dismiss it as “woo”, but valued it as YOU.

This ain’t your “1-800 Psychic”

Psychic Development Course

The term “psychic” often conjures up images of crystal balls and telling the future.

I don’t believe in telling the future. I believe there are always many possible outcomes and being focused on what may or may not happen is a distraction from being with what you need in the present.

To me psychic development is about awakening and developing the ability to read your own energy so that you experience the liberation of knowing who you are vs. conditioning or other people, AND experience the magic of sensing and playing with the energy all around and inside you.

Practically Psychic

What are the benefits of psychic skills in our muggle world?

  • knowing where your boundaries are vs. other people’s

  • feeling more present and grounded

  • feeling safer in your body and more able to regulate your emotions and nervous system

  • trusting yourself in general because you are trusting the subtle energy messages that are giving you accurate feedback

  • trusting your intuition more and more and hearing more subtle messages

  • knowing how to own yourself in any room you’re in and bring your energy back to you

  • knowing when you felt anxiety, or any big feeling when you’re around someone, how to identify if it’s you or them

  • feeling better able to handle details in your life because you are more grounded

  • being able to update the energy of relationships and feeling more empowered in them.

  • Other unique ways it will show up for every person reflected by an overall sense of empowerment and self-trust

A Spell of Remembering is a 6-week class to awaken to your psychic skills and develop deeper self-trust

Thursdays March 28th-May 2nd
4:30 PM PST/7:30 EST

Pre-recorded classes sent out the Monday before
Option to have a practice partner to play with the concepts throughout the week
Live classes will be recorded

Class One:
Self-trust, Intuition & the Aura

Heal from the conditioning of mind over body and build the self-trust needed to read your own energy and believe your intuition through playful exercises with your aura and inner child.

Class Two:
Grounding/Protection/The Seat of Neutrality

Know what it feels like to be supported by Earth energy and learn how to sit in neutrality so you can read your energy accurately and protect your energy field by knowing what you need vs. pushing others out.

Class Three:

Now that you have built up more trust in reading your own energy, you will build on that self-empowerment by learning how to see/sense energy cords and separate your energy from others’.

Class Four:
The First Four Chakras

There is so much information in these vortexes of energy that reside along our spine and interact with our physical body. You will learn to tune into them, know what energies they are vibrating and learn to clear out what your inner child has been holding onto, to become even more present and release other people’s energy from them.

Class Five:
The Next Three Chakras

Continue the journey of reading your energy through your chakras. You will connect deeper with your expression, your inner sight and your higher wisdom, while clearing out programming your inner child has held onto.

Class Six:
Reading Your Energy/ Sensing Life Contracts

While you have been reading your energy the whole time, we will take what you have learned and learn how to read yourself in relation to others. You will practice being in the seat of neutrality as you observe your aura and chakras as it interacts with others.

All 6 weeks will have pre-recorded modules, and a live class where we will play with the energies.

You will get feedback from me, as well as your peers about what they are experiencing. (This is a safe space, no critics allowed!)

You’ll have the option to have a practice partner to play with the tools in between sessions.

Even though we aren’t reading other people’s energy, it’s still helpful to get feedback and play with the energies with each other.

All live classes will be recorded but attending live is highly encouraged!

Learning this new magical language, getting validation from others that what you are seeing is
real, helps you integrate it more quickly.

Everyone can learn this! There is no one who can’t.

You will learn:

  • To create boundaries with your aura

  • Find energy cords, cut them and use them consciously

  • Read your own energy and become more aware of others’ while being boundaried

  • Clear off your energy

  • Separate your energy from other people and situations

  • Sense/feel/know what your chakras are “speaking” to you

  • Learn what was going on energetically when you are feeling “off”?

  • Learn how to sense life contracts and how to update them.

Your higher self is the part of you that exists in your physical body, it is part of your soul that is experiencing your reality in this body at this time.

This kind of psychic development gives you the tools to access it more readily, sense what is in the way of that connection and clear it out if necessary.

The more you practice it, the more readily it becomes available to you.

If all of that sounds exciting, then this class is for you!

And to check that this is right for you a little further,

here is what we won’t be doing:

Learning how to tell the future (I don’t believe that’s a fixed thing and I find it mostly a distraction.)

Reading other people’s energy (You will likely be able to after this course, but it’s very important that you get the basic personal grounding/energy awareness/hygiene down before you bring other people into the picture.)

Learning spells (I love spells, but I’m not an expert in that.)

Connecting to spirit guides (You will likely be able to after this course, but we will not specifically focus on that in this class.)

Hexes & curses (I don’t believe in inflicting negativity on anyone. Looking within when that desire comes up is the answer, in my opinion. See also: You have the power, always!)

I learned these tools in 2001 and have been using, refining and adding to them every day since.

This practice changed my life! I went from absorbing other people’s energy, struggling with self-trust, unclear of who I really was, to feeling empowered, able to set boundaries and a clarity about who I am and what I need. And it also gave me many magical tools to read the energy beyond what I could see/feel & touch.

Seeing hundreds of people, including myself, transform their lives with these tools has made me passionate about teaching it.

I want you to have these psychic tools to meet whatever challenges are coming up for you as well as to amplify and empower your highest self energy.

This sliding scale method is from Worts & Cunning’s Green Bottle Method

Payment plans are available for all tiers

This cost reflects the true cost of the class. It is the cost that I would charge all students in the absence of a sliding scale. If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you.


This cost reflects my acknowledgement that paying the full cost would prevent some folks from being able to attend, but who do not honestly find themselves reflected in either descriptions for the highest cost or the lowest. If you are struggling to conquer debt or build savings or move away from paycheck to paycheck living but have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc., you belong here.


This cost represents an honest acknowledgment that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prevent them from being a part of classes if there was not be a deliberate opportunity made for them to access services at a cost that is reflective of their economic realities. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you belong probably belong here and you deserve a community that honors your price as equal an economic offering as the person who can pay the highest tier. Even when the lower tier is still prohibitive, I will work with folks to offer extended payment plans and other solutions.


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