We are all born with intuitive and psychic abilities.

Expand your connection to yours.

There are two ways to develop this connection with me 1:1

Everyone has:

  • spirit guides

  • auras

  • energetic contracts

  • chakras

  • past lives

  • an entire energetic field full of
    endless ways to explore

Connection to these things applies to your real life in innumberable ways.

Being able to be my own energetic pattern reader helped me go from:

  • Merging with people unconsciously

  • Taking on responsibility for so much that wasn’t mine

  • Playing small

  • Doubting myself


  • Being the leader of my life vs being unclear of my authority.

  • Knowing who I am not just intellectually but on a gut level.

  • Clearing out triggers from my space so I can care for my inner child.

  • Connecting to magical ways to manifest that really work.

  • Exploring past lives for “aha” moments in this lifetime that clear out old patterns.

  • Being able to clear old patterns that were holding me down subconsciously.

  • Having the fun and comfort of accessing my spirit guide team anytime.

…and so much more

Small-Group Mentorships

These cohorts will begin at the end of October

This container is a perfect way to learn the tools I use in readings (and they are endless!) while getting 1:1 support from me.

Beginners will learn:

The tools you need to ground, clear out and know your energy on a fundamental level. I will be tailoring the material to each group as we go, but there will likely be exploration of:

  • connection to spirit guides

  • energy cords

  • manifesting by using your higher self energy

  • and more!

Intermediate/Advanced will learn:

This will be tailored to each group. You will definitely experiment with reading for each other, and depending on the group you could also explore:

  • reading past lives

  • mediumship

  • behavioral patterns in the aura

  • magnetic manifesting

  • timeline exploration

  • connecting to spirit guides

  • and more!

It’s an endless education, and I will ask each four-person cohort for their areas of interest and then also read the energy of the group to see what is in the highest and best for that group.

The small-group mentorship includes:

  • Four 1-hour group sessions - All of it will be spent experientially working with the energy and each other.

  • A recording of the class

  • A PDF of any practices covered

  • Email support if you have questions during the week

    The investment is: $400
    Payment plans are available.

If you are interested please fill out this application so I know where to place you. Can’t wait to explore these energies together!

1-month 1:1 Psychic Skills Immersion Container

This container is the perfect way to learn psychic tools under my direct tutelage, one-on-one. I have been doing this for nearly 25 years (!) and will tailor the content of this container to your individual needs.


The Energetic Hygiene Container
You will learn how to solidly know your own energy field so that you can discern what’s yours and trust your own information.

This includes:

  • Knowing your aura

  • Separating from others’ energy

  • Trusting your messages

  • Grounding

  • Finding and removing cords

We can cover more if you feel ready to go there; we will go at your pace.

Once you are very familiar with your energy (or if you already have these techniques down from previous experience) you can choose:

Exploring the Psychic World Container
You’ll let me know what you want to learn in a half hour zoom call and we will use the container to explore it.

fThis could include:

  • Reading each other’s energy

  • Learning how to see beliefs and patterns energetically

  • De-energizing unhelpful beliefs
    Sensing the inner child energetically

  • Updating energetic contracts

  • Past life exploration

  • Magnetizing your energy

  • Connecting with your guidesf

  • Exploring healing dimensions

  • Seeing and removing energetic machines

  • and more!

The mentorship includes:

  • 1 30-minute call to discuss what you want to cover

  • 4 weekly 1-hour sessions - All of it will be spent experientially working with the energy.

  • A recording of each session

  • Voice or email support of one conversation daily

    The investment is: $1200
    Payment plans are available.

Set up a 20-minute exploratory call to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Container work speeds up

the growth process.

While energy work is always powerful, when we commit to doing it in a container, it gives Source and your guides a receptacle to focus that learning on. Whether it’s in a group or 1:1, this signaling of your devotion to your practice and yourself is very powerful.

The Universe wants you to be living out your soul’s desires. Working in a container is a magical way to access it.

Anyone who has done a reading with Natasha probably knows that amazing moment when she gets right at the heart of that issue you have with a coworker that turns out is a deeper pattern that has been plaguing you since you were in utero and then that insight reshapes your professional identity oh and also your romantic relationships. It was an amazing gift to be able to accept these kinds of insights regularly, in a way that one built on the last, such that a clearer picture of who I am was able to come into focus.” Kate S., Seattle

These are the types of things you can learn to do for yourself through the energy healing techniques we’ll learn in the intermediate/advanced groups and set the stage to learn in the beginning ones.

Start your journey today!

For the small-group mentorship, fill out the application here.

For the 1:1 mentorship, schedule an exploratory call to see if we’re a good fit for each other.