Create the Foundation
of Your Inner Environment

your magical imagination
energy healing on a cellular level

Recording available September 26th

6:00 PM PT/9:00 PM ET
$22 / free for paid newsletter subscribers

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We create our own reality.

But most of us do not update the information we got as children about how to perceive the world and the people around us and how we believe they perceive us.

This is why most people have their wounded inner child at the wheel (without realizing it).

When we update our belief system, we update the foundation of how we perceive the world. (NBD)

That puts our inner adult at the wheel.

And what if our adult was as magical as The High Priestess?

(Spoiler alert: They are.)

In this class we will:

Learn to:

  • Connect to the High Priestess version of yourself (or whatever version you most want!)

  • The questions to ask yourself anytime you want to connect to a more expansive version of yourself.

  • How to tell what is your higher truth at any point and what is your inner child

Do a hypnosis journey to:

  • Create a new inner environment

  • Seed the new beliefs and feelings

  • Nurture the new beliefs and feelings

  • Anchor the new beliefs and feelings

Be lead in a tranformative energy healing journey to:

  • Release the old programming from your cells

  • Reprogram these beliefs on a cellular level

  • Updating contracts into present time

This is the intro workshop to my
upcoming environments class where we will
continue to build on creating your reality
by building your inner world
in so many dynamic and magical ways.

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